Michigan Molecular Interactions

MiMI: Formerly called the Michigan Protein Database (MIPD). It is currently available here. MiMI is an ongoing project supported by NCIBI. Collaborators include the UM Medical School. Additional sponsors include the NSF, NIH, MCBI, and Microsoft.

Biological Texts: There is a great deal of interest on understanding biological texts automatically. There are also a large number of biological databases dealing with a vairety of topics. The goal of our porject is to be able to combine these two efforts by storing the information extracted from the text parsing into an XML database with a proper data model. With all the information managed by a database engine, complex queries can be issued and data mining can be applied.

Integrated Protein Information: Protein data, from sequence and structure to interaction, is being generated through many diverse methodologies; it is stored and reported in numerous forms and multiple places. The magnitude of the data limits researchers abilities to utilize all information generated. Effective integration of protein data can be accomplished through better data modeling. Using an appropriate data model can enable researchers to exploit data more fully. Using TIMBER as our repository, we are developing a data model which allows fuller usage of the current protein data.