Current Projects

  • Duoquest: A dual-specification interface with natural language and programming-by-example for expressive SQL
  • Mithra: The projects on Responsible Data Management and Data Ethics.
  • Verdict: A commercial-grade, AQP data analytics system that runs on top of existing SQL-engines.
  • Foofah: A programming-by-example data transformation (wrangling) program synthesizer
  • Infiniswap: Efficient Memory Disaggregation with Infiniswap
  • Designing a Predictable Database: Reducing Tail Latencies in Modern Data-Intensive Applications
  • DBSeer: A workload intelligence framework that exploits advanced machine learning and causality techniques to aid the DBA in his/her various responsibilities
  • Raccoon: A declarative query processing system for nowcasting
  • EconPrediction: Economic Indicators from Social Media
  • MUSIQ: Model-driven Usable System for Information Querying
  • Past Projects

  • Templar: Augmenting natural language interfaces to databases with SQL query logs
  • NaLIR: A natural language interface for relational databases
  • Senbazuru: A Prototype Spreadsheet Database Management System
  • THINK Back: KNowledge-based Interpretation of High Throughput data.
  • MiMI: Michigan Molecular Interaction Database
  • Timber: A Native XML Store
  • Intranet Transactional Search:
  • SAGA:
  • Natural Language & XML Query Logs:
  • Regular Expression Learning:
  • MBench: The Michigan XML Benchmark