Query the Database



        *    Logical Plan

        *    Physical Plan


Timber provides three ways to query a file stored in Timber


Timber supports queries in standard XQuery. Each query in XQuery is composed of a sequence of XQuery expressions, including path expressions used to locate nodes in XML structures, element constructors for constructing XML structures with, and FLWOR expressions for combining and restructuring information from XML documents, sorting, and conditional expressions, and quantified expressions. For more information about the XQuery specification, see XQuery 1.0. 


Timber supports a wide range of features in XQuery. Specifically, Timber supports any queries satisfying XQuery Fragment Supported. In addition, Timber also supports XQuery with updates, and Schema-Free XQuery. Please note that XQuery is case-sensitive, and all XQuery keywords (such as for, let)  and function names should be in lower case.


As an illustration, following are two example queries supported by Timber, including simple selection query and complex nested queries on XML document sbook.xml.


Example1: Simple query: return the title of books whose prices are between 20 and 60.

for $b in document("sbook.xml")//book

where $b/price < 60 and $b/price > 20

return $b/title



Example 2: Nested query: for books whose price is between 20 and 60, return its title and articles published  in the same year as the book

for $b in document("sbook.xml")//book

where $b/price < 60 and $b/price > 20




            {for $k in document("sbook.xml")/books/article

             where $b/year = $k/year

             return $k }



Important Notes: The nested queries must be connected with the outer part via a join (either value join or structural indicated by a path). Else it cannot be supported by our system 


Example 3: Unsupported Nested query

let $c := for $k document("sbook.xml")//book

             return $k

return $c


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XQuery with Updates


Standard XQuery syntax does not allow updates to the database. Timber extends XQuery to support updates to the database via queries, including deletion, update/modify, insertion of elements, and insertion of attributes. In addition to the update functions added to XQuery, Timber also allows the user to append an XML document to a file that is alread loaded, via the append operation (accessible from the command line). When many updates have been performed, query performance will be increased by performing a reorganize on the file (so that all nodes will be stored in "document order", as they are when data is initially loaded into Timber).


1. General Principles of our XQuery Update Functions

All functions update nodes that map to `FOR' bound variables. So the semantics follow the logic of XQuery on `FOR' bindings. Althought batch updates are supported, note that the variable bindings occur before the updates start to be processed. In other words, any inserted nodes will not be seen by succeeding update function calls (while deleted and modified nodes will affect subsequent updates in the same query). A different query must be issued for newly inserted nodes to be accessed.

2. Update Functions


In addition to the update methods listed below, we also provide an append method that is accessible from the command line.  This will take an XML file and (efficiently) append it to a currently loaded file.  All indices will be updated appropriately. Note that if the file contains an overflow portion before appending, the entire appended document will end up in the overflow portion. This is not advisable for large documents, and the user should perform a reorganize before appending large documents.

Appending a document new.xml (that exists in a Data directory) to the document sbook.xml (that is already loaded into Timber) is executed as follows:

        timber -m append -d Data\new.xml -a sbook.xml

Update functions of Timber along with example usages are listed as below.


1) Deletion: timber-delete(<var> | <var>/text())

This function accepts as an argument <var> a `FOR' bound variable. It deletes from the database all nodes that correspond to this variable. If the nodes are elements, then the subtrees rooted at those nodes are also deleted. To delete only the content (text) use /text() after the variable.

Example 4-a. Select all books and delete the authors.

for $b in document("sbook.xml")//book
for $a in $b/author
return timber-delete($a)

NOTE: If the last line was: return timber-delete($a/text()) only the content (text) of the author elements would be removed.

Example 4-b.
Select all books and delete the author and content of price elements.

for $b in document("sbook.xml")//book
for $a in $b/author
for $p in $b/price

NOTE: according to the `FOR' binding semantics in xquery, a book with an author but no price will not be selected.


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2) Update: timber-update(<var>, <Value> | <SP> | Aggregate(<SP>) )

This function accepts a `FOR' bound variable to indicate the nodes whose content is to be updated. The second argument can be a constant value (string or number), a path to some other selected element from the database or an aggregate function. The function will set the content of the nodes bound by the input variable to the what is specified at the right input path. An update will not create an element, it will only update its content if it exists.

NOTE: If the second argument is a path to another selected element (such as $b/price), it is possible for this path to map to more than one node, in a single result (i.e. witness tree). If this is the case, only the first of such mappings will be used to assign a value to <var>, and a warning will be issued indicating this.  This behavior applies to all other XQuery update methods defined in this document as well.)

Example 5-a. Select all books and set the content of its author to "Stelios".

for $b in document("sbook.xml")//book
for $a in $b/author
return timber-update($a, "Stelios")


Example 5-b. Set all of the book authors to be equal to the book's publisher attribute.

for $b in document("sbook.xml")//book
for $a in $b/author
return timber-update($a, $b/@publisher)


Example 5-c. Set each book's id attribute to be equal to the book's isbn.

for $b in document("sbook.xml")//book
for $i in $b/@id
return timber-update($i, $b/isbn)

NOTE: if there is no associated isbn for a given book, the id attribute will be updated with its value equal to "".

Example 5-d. Select all books, set attribute author to "Stelios". set price to 5, set name equal to the content of title and set authorcount equals to the count of all authors.

for $b in document("sbook.xml")//book
for $a in $b/@author
for $p in $b/price
for $n in $b/name
for $v in $b/authorcount
        {timber-update($a, "Stelios")}
        {timber-update($p, 5)}
        {timber-update($n, $b/title)}
        {timber-update($v, count($b/author))}


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3) Insertion of Element : timber-insertelement( <SP>, ElementTag, <Value> | <SP> | Aggregate(<SP>), <attrCont>*), where <attrCont> ::= AttributeTag, (<Value> | <SP> | Aggregate(<SP>)

This function inserts a constructed element under the nodes specified by the input `FOR' bound variable. The new element is specified by a tag and its content descriptor (constant value for string or number,or a path pointing to some other node, or an aggregate function). An optional list of attributes is also supported.

Example 6-a. Select all books, and under each author insert an element with tag equals "name" and content equals "Stelios".

for $b in document("sbook.xml")//book
for $a in $b/author
return timber-insertelement($a, "name", "Stelios")


Example 6-b. Select all books with editor equals "Stelios", insert an element with tag = "flag" and empty content.

for $b in document("sbook.xml")//book
where $b/editor = "Stelios"
return timber-insertelement($b,"flag","")

Example 6-c.  Select all books and insert under each author an element with tag "price" and content "5", create an attibute named "avg" and content equal to the average price of the book, and an attribute "name" with content equal to the editor of the book.

for $b in document("sbook.xml")/books/book
for $a in $b/author
return timber-insertelement($a, "price", "5", "avg", avg($b/price), "name", $b/editor)


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4) Insertion of Attribute: timber-insertattribute( <var>, AttributeTag, <Value> | <SP> | Aggregate(<SP>))

Similar in concept with insert element, this function will insert an attribute under the node specified by the input variable binding. The attribute tag is given and the content can be a constant value or set equal to some other node in the database, or the result of an aggregate function.

Example 7. 
Select all books with editor equals "Stelios", under each chapter insert an attribute with tag "num" and no associated value.

for $b in document("sbook.xml")//book
for $c in $b/chapter
where $b/editor = "Stelios"
return timber-insertattribute($c,"num","")


3. Reorganize


Timber provides update functionality by extending the XQuery language.  When no updates have been performed on a Timber volume, all nodes for a document are laid out on the disk in document order.  This is a key factor in efficient query execution.  When updates are performed we may be required to put nodes into a separate unordered overflow portion of the file. This happens when we insert new nodes, and when when a node is modified so that its new value is larger than its previously stored value.  If the overflow portion is large enough, query performance will suffer.  To alleviate this problem, Timber provides a reorganize function that will take a file containing an overflow portion, and lay all of the nodes out on disk in document order.

Reorganizing the file from the command line is executed as follows, where the document sbook.xml is the file to reorganize.:

        timber -m reorganize -d sbook.xml


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Schema-free XQuery


Writing queries in standard XQuery requires extensive knowledge of the document structure (i.e., the document schema) in order to write the correct path expressions used to locate nodes in XML structures.  Even for queries as simple as the one in Example 1, the user must at least know that nodes priceand titleare children of nodes book in order to correctly write the queries.


In Timber, we provide a function timber-mlca()to allow users with limited knowledge of document structure,  to be able to pose complex queries and get meaningful results. Specifically, the function timber-mlca() return the Meaningful Lowest Common Ancestor (MLCA) of the variables inside the function; any variables sharing the same non-empty MLCA are regarded as meaningfully related to each other. More details about Schema-Free XQuery can be found here.


The following are the corresponding schema-free queries for the previous example queries in XQuery, when the user only has the knowledge of tag names and values.

 Example 8. Simple schema-free query (corresponding  to the simple query in Example 1)

for $d in timber-mlca($b, document("sbook.xml")//book, $p, document("sbook.xml")// price, $t,document("sbook.xml")//title)

where $p < 60 and $p > 20

return $t


Example 9.  Complex schema-free query (corresponding  to the simple query in Example 2)

for $d1 in timber-mlca($b,document("sbook.xml")//book, $p1,document("sbook.xml")//price,$y1,

                                     document("sbook.xml")//year, $t, document("sbook.xml")//title)

let $a := for $d2 in timber-mlca ($k,document("sbook.xml")//article, $y2, document("sbook.xml")//year)

             where $y1 = $y2

             return $k

where $b/price < 60 and $b/price > 20








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Logical Plan


A logical plan is a query composed of logic algebra operators. It can be generated from a given query inXQuery by XqueryParser, and transformed into corresponding physical plan(s) by Query Optimizer of Timber; the one determined with lowest cost will be executed against the database.


Timber supports any logical plan satisfying the Logical Algebra grammar.


Example 10.  A sample logical plan (corresponding  to the simple query in Example 1)

// Logical plan

// number of Pattern Tree Nodes, Pattern Trees and Process Tree Nodes




// list of pattern tree nodes

// list of nodes for pattern tree 5


// list of nodes for pattern tree 6


6 ELEMENT sbook.xml title NULL "" PARENT *

// list of nodes for pattern tree 1

1 DOCUMENT sbook.xml ANCS -

2 ELEMENT sbook.xml books NULL "" PARENT -

3 ELEMENT sbook.xml book NULL "" PARENT -

4 ELEMENT sbook.xml price LTN "60" PARENT -

5 ELEMENT sbook.xml price GTN "20" PARENT -

// list of pattern trees

// pattern tree


7 -1

// pattern tree


1000 -1

6 1000

// pattern tree


1 -1

2 1

3 2

4 3

5 3

// list of process tree nodes





6 PROJECT 2 1 3


// process tree

0 6 10

10 -1

11 10

9 11

7 9

6 7

4 6



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Physical Plan


A physical plan is a query composed of evaluation iterators (physical operators) that actually access database, and combine and reconstruct information from the database. In a physical plan, the evaluation operators are listed in a depth-first preorder manner- first the operator then its inputs. Each Iterator is on a separate line. A line in the file that starts with a ‘*’ is a comment line and will be ignored during the query process. The evaluator interface is case-sensitive. If it’s capital here it should be capital in the file. For full specification of all iterators supported by Timber please see Physical Algebra.


Example 11. A sample physical plan (corresponding to the simple query in Example 1) 



* for $b in document("sbook.xml")/books/book

* where $b/price < 60 and $b/price > 20

* return $b/title





















Example 12.  Query evaluation tree for the physical plan in example 11


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Last updated: 07/19/2004