Timber Settings


     Shore/Berkeley DB Configuration

        *  Timber Configuration


Shore/Berkeley Configuration


Depending on the size of the data file you want to load into Timber, and your other query needs, you may want to change the maximum size of the device allowed in Timber. You may also want to turn on/off logging, change the default device name, and so on. You may do so by changing the configuration file for the underlying data management system (for both Shore and Berkeley DB). The main content of the example configuration file is shown in the following table. Typical cases requiring changes to the default configuration can be found in the FAQ page.

By default, this configuration file is located at <basedir>/TimberRoot/bin/Resource/example.conf, where TimberRoot is the root folder of Timber. If you wish, you may change the location of the configuration file as well by changing the parameter SHORE_CONFIG_FILE. For details about this, please refer to Timber Configuration

Important Note: Except for turning on/off logging, you will have to reload your dataset to make the changes in the configuration file effective.

# set the location of the diskrw program
# NOTE: This must be changed to point to your installed bin directory
?.server.*.sm_diskrw: ../../sthread/diskrw
# set the buffer pool size and log directory for all example servers
#?.server.*.sm_bufpoolsize: 262144
?.server.*.sm_bufpoolsize: 131072
?.server.*.sm_logdir: ../log

# Specify the log directory for all server programs
?.server.*.sm_logging: yes
# use sm_reformat_log to reinitialize a log that is a raw device
*.server.*.sm_reformat_log: yes
# Need 100000 to get through the scripts with 32KB pages
?.server.*.sm_logsize: 100000

perf.server.*.device_name: ../volumes/dev1
# for INEX 5GB
#perf.server.*.device_quota: 5000000
# for timber sample file 50MB is enough
perf.server.*.device_quota: 50000
# the following two are only for shore test scan
perf.server.*.num_rec: 500
perf.server.*.rec_size: 40


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Timber Configuration


Depending on your data files and query tasks, you may want to tune Timber for your specific needs. You can get optimized query execution speed by changing the page size, initial buffer size, buffer replacement rate, and so forth. You DO NOT have to reload your data to make yours changes in the Timber setting file effective (although you will have to exit the Timber executable, and restart it).
The table below shows the main content of the Timer settings file, with details about the meaning of each parameter. Typical cases requiring changes to the default configuration can be found in the FAQ page.

By default, this configuration file is located at <basedir>/Timber/bin/Resource/timber.settings.

# Timber configuration
# Global/Main
# The destination shore configuration file, relative path from running directory
SHORE_CONFIG_FILE = ../Resource/example.conf

# MSXMLParser
# Max depth of xml documents

# Max record length for node record

# PhysicalDataMng
# No Runtime Settings

# IndexManager
# file path to all gist indices, it is a relative path
# with respect to where Timber is run

# DataMng
# No Runtime Settings
# The following can be adjusted at compile time

# NodeIDMap


# Means 30%

# Evaluator
#this is the container size used in structural joins when a specific
#ancestor has lots of descendants, they are kept in a shore file
#with each record size almost PAGESIZE.
#it is declared in indexMng but it is used in Evaluator
#used in EvaluatorClass.cpp and ContainerClass.cpp

#this is the maximum number of nodes in a construct line. I.e. the
#the maximum number of nodes in a RETURN clause. An element node
#is considered a node. An attribute is considered a node. And 
#content is considered a node.
#used in ConstructSpecification.cpp

#this is the maximum number of predicates in a filter line. I.e. the
#maximum predicates in the WHERE clause. When I say predicates I mean
#those in the form, for example, $a\blah = "something" NOT $a = $b.
#used in FilterCondition.cpp

#this is used as the initial array size to store right input in when
#using nested-loops value join. The number will keep increasing as
#more right inputs are read in. The closer this number is to the actual
#right input size without going over, the faster your query will run.
#If the value join is passed a size other than -1, this number won't
#be used.
#used in ValueJoinIterator.cpp

#this is used as the initial array size to store parts of the right
#input that match a left input when using sort-merge value join.
#The closer this number is to the maximum numbr of right inputs to
#match a left input without going over, the faster the query will run.
# The number will keep increasing as more right inputs that match a
#left input are read in.
#used in ValueJoinIterator.cpp

#this is used as the initial array size when using in-memory Sort
#(external doesn't keep inputs in memory). It is used to keep all inputs
#and sort them. The closer this number is to the actual input size
#without going over, the faster your query will run. The number will keep
#increasing as more right inputs are read in.
#used in SortIterator.cpp and ValueSortIterator.cpp

#I need to figure out what this does. I totally forgot. I'll email you
#about it later.
#used in ExternalSortIterator.cpp

#this is used as the initial number of nodes in the witness tree. If
#you have an idea of the maximum number of nodes that will be in your
# in your witness tree, pass it here. If more space is needed, it will
#expand. but the closer the max number of witness tree nodes to this number
#without getting over, the faster your queries will run.
#used in WitnessTree.cpp

#this is used as the initial stack size that is used in structural joins.
#it corresponds to the level of nesting of the ancestor in the join. but
# if you are in doubt, just pass the depth of the document here. the closer
# of the document (or nesting level of ancestor) to this number, the faster
#your query will run. As with other initial parameters, if the number is
#smaller than expected, the size of the stack will increase.
#used in stack.h

#this is the number of ids reserved for each structural join and external sort
#used in the query. each id will be given to each container written to shore 
#file. so, if you know the number of containers you are writing, pass it here.
#passing a huge number here would be safe but shore will eventually run out of
#logical ids and then you have to initialize and reload the data. 

# MLCAS initial default depth

# Optimizer

# TextMng
# Flag for keyword-only inverted indexing

# Multicolor Environment
# whether you want to run in Multicolor environment

# Allowance of id assignment for Multicolor

# Level cutting for Multicolor

# Multicolor special directive
# Special flag processing for billing & shipping address dual color


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Last Updated; 07/20/2004